Friday, 22 January 2010


The USH Dare Devils are teachers who are taking a risk. Teachers who are changing teaching and learning from the bottom up. Teachers who are making a difference in their classrooms, around school and in our learner's lives.

This will be initially led by Nicole Ponsford, Advanced Skills Teacher at USH, but will also be led in carousel by her peers, students at the school and even teachers/learners from other schools in the area over the next few months.

We are dedicated to 'trying new things out', be it taking off the doors, letting the learners led lessons or using new technologies llike Ninendo Wiis. It is all about having a go, engaging our students and pushing the learning on. We want to be 'oustanding' to be the bench mark, not the pinnacle.

Dates for USH Dare Devils are:

Monday 22.02.10 Initial Meeting and Mission 1: Teaching and Learning
Wednesday 10.03.10 'Show and tell'
Monday 22.03.10 Mission 2: New Technologies

More dates will be released for after Easter.

May the force be with you!

Nicole Ponsford