Monday, 29 March 2010

Mission 3: Learning Spaces


Here we are in the last week of term and an exciting new layout and mission! For those of you who have the new missions - how is it going? Need any help? I have completed all of these in the past, so let me know if you need any tips.

For those of you who did not attend, the Mission envelopes are in my pigeon hole in the Staff Room (with a little Easter pressie for you all). Please take one as soon as possible - otherwise I will be naming and shaming!

A few other updates. You will see that I have updated this blog - bit more flashy! I have included a links area (please let me know if you want anymore!). I have also added your emails - I am hoping this will allow you to make posts. If not, I share my details with you so you can create them too. I am not precious about the site and want you to take ownership too!! Let me know your thought...

Good luck with M3.

I will sort the dates for next term's meetings asap and let you know!



Wednesday, 24 March 2010

Dates for next term

Dates next term - thinking of Wednesday 21st April (Kerry's got staff forum on the Monday), then Wednesday 5th May (bank holiday on the Monday), Wednesday 19th May and after half term 23rd June.

Let me know if there are any issues,


Monday, 15 March 2010

Dare Devils Getting Out and About!


Cassie has asked if DDs would share ideas in Thursday briefings. What do you think and who would go first?

We are also looking at opportunities to share our experiences in a DD inset. Will let you know!!


Wednesday, 10 March 2010

Tuesday, 9 March 2010

Mission 2: Techno Teaching

Here is the presentation for the meeting last night. I was really encouraged by everyone's comments. So great to hear you are being daring!

I still have a Wii and some Nintendo DSs. I will keep hold of them until Friday and then email all staff to see who wants to use them. I hate to see kit not being used!! I hope those of you who did take things are having a 'play' and even thinking of ways to use them in your classrooms.

We did not have a chance to speak about BEHAVIOUR. Would you rather do this online on the blog or email? Let me know! Sian will be looking at rewards and Kerry sanctions.

Lastly please let me know HOW I can support you in lessons with the missions - happy to do any dirty jobs (so to speak!!)

Thanks again and looking forward to reading your blogs,