Thursday, 15 July 2010

Dates for 2010 -11 Dare Devil Meetings

20th October 2010
8th December 2010

19th January 2011
9th March 2011

18th May 2011
8th June 2011

We will also be able to book further meetings, when relevant, in Week A Wednesdays. 

Hope it helps your diaries,


1 comment:

  1. Here's the agreed topics for the next few Daredevils meetings:

    20th October – feedback from missions completed and continuing G&T missions. You can even bring a new mission along to challenge people with if you wish!

    8th December – feedback from missions completed and moving onto teaching and learning missions for the less able.

    19th January – feedback from missions completed and moving onto teaching and learning missions to raise attainment at GCSE.

    9th March – feedback from missions completed and moving onto missions for engaging the “invisible middle”.

