Tuesday, 6 July 2010

Power Teaching

Thanks for your enthusiasm this afternoon I know it has been a long half term.

I am just about to e-mail you all the resources so you can get started with power teaching ASAP.

I really recommend that you look on YouTube at the videos on Power Teaching and Whole Brain Teaching.

Chris Biffle is the main man his YouTube channel is

Happy Power Teaching.

PS. any thoughts/ suggests please leave a comment.



  1. I have done powerteaching with 7a1, 7a2, 8b2 and 8a3.

  2. I did it with 7a3 science today, around 2/3 had done it with you before so I used them as my "Power Teaching Experts", a few dragged their heels, such as Paul D, but mostly they engaged really well with it!

    Tried it with 9a4 but it was probably the wrong way to try because LP was in the class, RA was playing up and I didn't have support today. Some of them loved it, though (especially Abdul!!)


  3. Marie says...

    I tried out a bit with 7A1 on the back of the work Chris had done with them. I decided to focus on the classroom rules and the getting student attention parts of the programme.

    My starter was to teach the Spanish for the five commands and add this to stuff I usually do (we linguists like to wave our hands in the air, don't you know?) and integrate this into a game of Simon says. I set a time limit and told the kids that anyone still in after eight minutes could have a prize (lost a few sweeties there!) but students enjoyed it.

    I really liked it when Chris suggested adapting the Power Teaching techniques to use our own phrases and had a good laugh trying it out. I particularly enjoyed the keeping dear teacher happy!

  4. I had a go with 8a4. They responded really well - liking 1,2, 3 "Boo-yak-a-shaaa" as their one second party. They had learnt the rules with Pete and took it very seriously. Their prize was 2 HP - which they totally deserved. My prize was going to be compliments!

    How is it going with the rest of you? Any issues we can solve?

